
As per the WFDF Anti-Doping rules and the WFDF Anti-Doping program 2012-2013 Anti-Doping testing will be carried out during the WUGC 2012 in Sakai, Japan. Testing will only be done in the Open and Women`s divisions. The other divisions will not be affected.

WADA_Prohibited_List_2012_en (pdf)

WADA_Anti-Doping_AAG_ENG_A4-Web[1] (pdf)

WADA_Doping-Control_AAG_ENG_A4-Web[1] (pdf)

WADA_TUEs_AAG_ENG_A4-Web[1] (pdf)

WFDF_TUE_Application_Form_Template_2011 (docx)


All Players in accordance with the WFDF Anti-Doping rules will be requested to sign the Anti-Doping acknowledgement and agreement, please see page 65 of the WFDF Anti-Doping rules under: . There you will able to find further information such as the 2012 prohibited list and information brochures on Anti-Doping, linked above.